Sunday, August 22, 2010

School Safety Tips

School is hard enough without having to worry if you will be safe on your way or while you're there. But McGruff can help. Read his advice on how to start the school year safely.

Getting to school and back home again

  • Find an easy way to walk to school or the bus stop. Ask your parents if there is anything you should watch out for along way. Always walk with a brother, sister, neighbor, or friend.
  • Don't talk to strangers, go anywhere with them, or take anything from them.
  • Know your phone number and address, even your area code and zip code. If you have trouble remembering them, write them down and keep them in a safe place.

After School 
  • If you stay home alone for a few hours after school while your parents are at work, call and check in with them as soon as you get home. And remember McGruff's home alone rules.
  • Ask your parents what the rules are. Are you allowed to watch TV before you finish your homework? Or have ice cream as a snack?

In the classroom 
Most teachers have their own rules for what goes on in their classroom but there are a few other things you should remember when you're in class.
  • If another kid, even a friend, asks you to do something you don't want to, don't do it.
  • If you get into an argument, talk it out. Fighting will hurt you and will probably get you in trouble. It may even give you a reputation as a bully.
  • Know that tattling is VERY different from telling. Tattling gets someone into trouble, and telling gets someone out of trouble. It's always okay to tell.
  • If anything bothers you or makes you feel weird, like a fight with a friend, a run-in with a bully, or ANYTHING, talk to an adult you trust.
  • Study hard. You can be anything you want to be if you work hard and don't give up.

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